Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms and Signs


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Symptoms and Signs of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus


The symptoms of the type 1 diabetes are often goes unnoticed by the victim until he came for the treatment. Some of the symptoms have similarity with some other common diseases and often mistaken with them. In many cases, the signs of type 1 diabetes can be shown very quickly and in some cases, they might be belated. But in both cases, the signs are the same.

Early signs and symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

The first symptoms of type 1 diabetes are shown at the primary stage. These symptoms are come out if the sugar level in the bloodstream gets higher than the average quantity. The most common signs of type 1 diabetes in the basic stage are:

  • Tiredness. The patient occasionally feels tired or sleepy. The reason for this fatigue is the extra glucose level in the blood will not produce as much energy it should have been produced.
  • The victim will be hungrier than before. He will always feel hungry even if he takes full meal. This is occurred because the excessive sugar in the bloodstream does not reach to the tissues that need energy.
  • He will also be very thirsty; even after drinking a lot of water. However, these are not always common. The reason for this excessive thirst is the extra level of increased sugar takes out the fluids from the tissues.
  • The frequency of urinating will be increased. The reason for it is the increase of glucose or sugar level in the blood. So the body will try to reduce this extra glucose level with urine. Unusual urinating is the first sign of diabetic that is noticed by the victim in most cases.
  • The patient will lose weight rapidly; even if he is not doing it on purpose. This is happen when the tissues cannot get enough energy. The lack of energy shrink down the muscle tissues and the patient lose weight.
  • He will have problem with his eye sight. He will have a blurry vision and may gain weak eyesight for far objects. The extra sugar level in the blood reduces the fluid from the tissues, including the eye tissues and causes the blurry vision.
  • In many cases, the patient may feel tingling feeling in the feet. The increased glucose level does it by reducing the fluids from the tissues.
  • Some of the patients may have infections around genitals. But this is not very common.

High sugar level in the bloodstream:

If the sugar level in the bloodstream reaches to a very high level, the patient became very sick and new symptoms star to grow. Some of the symptoms of this stage are following:

  • Rapid and deep breathing.
  • Flushed and red face.
  • Dryness on the skin and in the mouth.
  • Vomiting. The patient may lose control over the fluids in the body.
  • Nausea.
  • Fruity breath aroma.
  • Pain in the stomach.

These symptoms are very dangerous and the patient needs immediate medical concentration. The patient gains a dangerous level sugar in the bloodstream and the body starts to produce chemical named ketones within the blood. This is known as diabetic ketoacidosis. If the victim cannot get quick treatment, he may get into a coma very fast or it may even cause death of the patient.

Low sugar level in the bloodstream

In case of low sugar level in the blood, the patient may grow up different symptoms. This is occurred if the level goes below 70. This happens when the patient gets more insulin than he needs. The signs of this condition are:

  • Frequent headache.
  • Nervousness.
  • Hunger.
  • Shaking or weaken nerve.
  • Irregular heart beat.
  • Physical weakness.
  • Excessive sweating.

Lower levels of glucose in the blood caused this problem and it can be solved by making the proper diet chart and reducing the insulin level. However, in this condition the patient needs immediate treatment.


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