How to Increase Metabolism


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What is Metabolism

Metabolism is nothing but the complex set of chemical reactions that happen within the human body that helps maintaining life. These metabolic activities are the ones that keep your body healthy and active. Any problem with the metabolism and related processes will seriously affect the life and activities of an individual. They will be responsible for the most uncommon health problems they you might face if you do not care about the ways to increase metabolism whenever you feel it going down.

Basic formula for metabolism is – C6H12O6 + 602 –> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36ATP.

Picture of Metabolism Flowchart


Metabolic Disorders

Metabolism is the life saver and it does all that body requires from maintaining our body temperature, it regulates the uptake of nutrition, basal metabolic processes for up taking the required nutrients, excreting unwanted wastes, create new cells and tissues, healing of injuries, replenishing the nutrition source of body, giving balanced action and movements, protection from pathogens, toxins, etc., and thereby helping to get a better lifestyle and healthy living possibilities.

There are many metabolic disorders when the body fails from its regular metabolic activities due to failure of any of its properties:

  • Under or over secretion of enzymes
  • Improper basal metabolic rate
  • Alterations in the body conditions
  • Lack of proper nutritional requirements


Picture of Metabolic Cells


Information on How to Increase Metabolism

The metabolic rates can be increased for the betterment of your health and these can be achieved through various methods. They can be done by the basic exercises or through the highly nutritious as well as balanced diets, etc., as they are required based on the individuals and cannot be generalized. The individual’s basal metabolic rate need to be analyses prior to the adaptation on the ways to increase metabolism. There are specific foods items that serve well to increase the metabolic activities and boosts your energy level.

Foods that Increase Metabolism

The varieties of foods have their own specific properties and have these metabolism improving abilities. The primary source of these is the proteins which are more important than the fats and carbohydrates in the terms of giving the metabolic heat, to the body. The metabolic activity needs more work to utilize protein than the fats and carbohydrates and also these proteins make you feel full and satisfied when consumed rather than the fats.

  • Fish
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and blueberries
  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Oatmeal
  • Beans
  • Milk
  • Wholegrain cereal
  • Dark leafy green vegetables
  • Green Tea
  • Cucumber
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Canola Oil
  • Lemons
  • Jalapeno Peppers
  • Sprouts
  • Chicken eggs
  • Poultry
  • Salmon
  • Lean meat
  • Fresh wild caught fishes
  • Meat of ungulates that consume grass

Picture of Foods which Increase Metabolism


Picture of Healthy Food

There are a good fat that are contained in the protein foods mentioned earlier and that is enough for the requirement for the basal metabolism.

Foods which should be avoided

  • Foods that will have anti nutrients along with fats like the lectin
  • Pea nuts
  • Legumes
  • Almonds
  • Hazels
  • Cashews
  • Certain proteinaceous food – High Protein Breakfast : Foods, Diets, Recipes & Cereal
  • Meat from ungulates that were given antibiotics, fed on corn, and raised in feedlots
  • Farm raised fishes which do not generally eat in natural ways

The restriction of your food source with fewer carbohydrates will end up in the improvement of the insulin level, inflammatory markers, etc., and also good HDL cholesterol levels will get increased. At the same time the carbohydrates should not be restricted too much because that will deprive you of your energy levels and hence are better to be taken properly.

How to Increase Metabolism Naturally

There are five basic ways to increase your metabolism in a natural way without any medications or any other outside sources. The basic thing is that you need to give proper exercise to your body. You need not overdo yourself but a little bit of the basic exercises will get you what you want including some stretching exercise and the other stress relieving meditations and those that improve the mind power and the adaptation. Also proper diet is essential and out of the meals you have in a day your breakfast is so important. You should never skip that for any reason and have a wholesome nutritious diet in your breakfast. Eat well and at proper time intervals and avoid the harmful or unnecessary food items that will affect your health and metabolism.

Picture of Meditation for better Metabolism

Drinking more water is a best way to increase metabolism of the body requires more water when it is involved in the metabolic processes and this will speed up the metabolic processes. Also it will neutralize the body temperature that increases with the higher metabolic rates. These will affect the normal water intake and also will improve the metabolic activities.

Health benefits of drinking more water

Also management of stress is essential as the mental stress will have an indirect impact over the normal metabolism of your body. You might feel it difficult to get satisfied with the food items you consume in your diet, but you need to be careful of the number of calories you get from your food and avoid too much of calories in your uptake.

20 Tips On How To Relieve Your Stress

Exercise for better Metabolism

  • No skipping of meals
  • Regular and timely eating habit
  • Have protein and fiber in everyday meals
  • Prepare a balanced diet routine and follow it rigorously
  • Remain active throughout the day
  • Workout consistently and regularly
  • Drink lots of water
  • Exposure to heat and sunlight to create sauna effect

Metabolism Booster Medicines

The basic metabolic boosters are nothing but the exercises, food diet and proper uptake of water as well as a healthy mind devoid of stress. These are the primary elements that will get you a highly beneficial active metabolism that will be the best option to improve your works. These are essential as they are naturally available sources and are hence not affecting your body. These include the best metabolic rates and if you start accepting the metabolism boosting pills or any other medications rather than using these natural metabolic boosters in a search for ways to increase metabolism you will be losing a lot.

Side effects of metabolism boosting pills may cause:

  • Increased heart beat
  • Stomach upset and indigestion
  • Palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Nervousness
  • Numbness
  • Excess sweating
  • Diarrhea

These pills will extremely enhance your metabolism and will break the balance of you body. This may lead you in a condition where you will be depending on these pills lifelong for the metabolic activities to get active. These ways to increase metabolism will falter your good health and will make you suffer. So, prefer the natural ways to increase metabolism, to overcome obesity and health problems and lead a healthy life.


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Metabolism Boosting Foods


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